Cittadini reti


Certificazione Parità di genere
Cittadini SpA is UNI/PdR 125:2022 certified and promotes equality between men and women in all areas of work, from training to career development, from remuneration to work-life balance.
Certificazione Bilancio Sostenibilità

 It is a demonstration of Cittadini SpA's contribution and commitment to the advancement of sustainable development, embodied in numerous initiatives in line with the three ESG dimensions 
Cittadini SpA proudly received from the Antitrust Authority, on 24/09/2024, the confirmation of the renewal of the Legality Rating with the score of 2 Stars++.
ISO 50001
ISO 50001
The Energy Management System recognises Cittadini SpA's commitment to energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainability is one of our core values that translates into concrete actions.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001
The ISO 14001-certified Environmental Management System recognises Cittadini SpA's commitment to consider environmental aspects and related risks in its operations and to meet legislative compliance obligations.
iso 9001
ISO 9001
With the involvement of collaborators and stakeholders, Cittadini SpA pursues the optimisation of management and production processes with the aim of directly carrying out strict control in respect of the environment.
ISO 50001
GRS 4.0
Cittadini SpA complies with GRS (Global Recycle Standard) certification, which certifies products obtained from recycled materials in compliance with environmental and social criteria extended to all stages of the production chain.
ISO 14001
Modello 231
The Model is configured as a set of rules and controls aimed at guaranteeing conditions of transparency and providing an instrument of protection against the risk of committing the offences set forth in Legislative Decree no. 231/01.

Sustainability Report

It is a demonstration of Cittadini SpA's contribution and commitment to the advancement of sustainable development, embodied in numerous initiatives in line with the three ESG dimensions: the environmental, social and governance areas. Our Sustainability Report represents the document with which we make our values and the choices we have faced fully transparent.

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Cittadini S.p.A.
Via Trento, 35/45 | 25050 Paderno F.C. - Brescia (Italy)
T. +39 030 6857565 | F. +39 030 657148 |

Copyright © 2015 Cittadini spa - P.IVA 01218460176