Cittadini reti

Cittadini Spa: Spreading the safety culture



Cittadini guarantees its employees safe working conditions and healthy working environments, protecting their physical and moral integrity as a primary good, in full compliance with current legislation on prevention and protection. To this end, it promotes responsible behavior and adopts all the security measures required by technological evolution, committing itself to spreading the culture of safety and awareness of risks. For these purposes, constant care is given to the continuous improvement of plants, environments, work procedures and control, to monitor the risks related to health and safety at work.

Particular attention and training are reserved for those in charge, considered as the "sentinels" present in the company, in the various departments, to supervise the regular observance of safety standards and the timely adoption of all the necessary PPE in the various workstations.

On the subject of health and safety, the company has appointed a Consulting Company for the Occupational Medicine, which carries out training meetings, periodic visits to all staff, job suitability visits for recruitment and for returns after illness or accidents.

The responsible behavior of all collaborators, with the advisory support of the company's occupational doctor, have been decisive to face the operational difficulties resulting from the spread of the COVID19 pandemic and allow production continuity throughout the year, protecting the two absolute and essential goods: health and work for the greatest good of all.


Human resources



Cittadini S.p.A.
Via Trento, 35/45 | 25050 Paderno F.C. - Brescia (Italy)
T. +39 030 6857565 | F. +39 030 657148 |

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