Giovanni Cittadini
The founder of Cittadini spa
At the age of 20, he succeeded his father Cesare, founder of the Retificio Moderno Cesare Cittadini in 1933 in Sulzano for the production of fishing nets, of which he continued the activity, then expanding and diversifying it in Paderno Franciacorta, where in 1980 he founded Cittadini spa.
From his father, who died prematurely, he inherited the DNA of the true entrepreneur and gave concrete evidence of the essence and guiding values, demonstrating in all his fifty years of activity the genuine passion for "doing business", the courage to take risks and accept challenges, creativity and roots in the territory, where he has created and spread social value.
A pioneer in the use of high-tenacity synthetic fibres for the production of nets, technical yarns and sewing threads, thanks to his innate genius and technical expertise he has been a key player in their evolution and diversification, always pursuing the most advanced process and product innovation, to acquire and maintain European leadership in the reference markets. Tenacious and constant, he had the humility to always start again, even after moments of serious crisis, never giving up, putting himself out there with responsibility, consistency and honesty.
His dedication to his work was exemplary for all his collaborators, who always saw him in the factory, in their midst, without disdaining to personally intervene on the machines and 'get his hands dirty'.
Generous and always available, on several occasions he has put his exceptional know-how in net working at the service of solidarity, also contributing personally to the design and technical implementation of the 'Sangaman' (Together) factory in Pamban (Tamil Nadu - India) to promote the development of that very poor area and give dignity and hope to the widows of the community. A simple, good and just man, he always showed extraordinary fortitude and inner serenity, both in his industrious life and in his long illness, which he accepted with Christian faith and endured without ever complaining, always with his unforgettable smile. His sons Cesare, Marco and Paola, who have taken up his moral and entrepreneurial legacy together with their mother Pia, continue today with pride and passion to tie new knots in “Cittadini net” for social good.