22 October 2020

The President of the Republic has conferred the 'Stella al Merito del Lavoro' (Star of Labour Merit) on Monica Zubini for the year 2020, in recognition of her distinguished merits of skill, hard work and moral conduct.

This coveted award was promoted by the Cittadini family for Monica Zubini, as recognition for her more than 25 years of high-profile professional collaboration with Cittadini spa as head of administration and human resources, always exercised with exemplary dedication and a commendable sense of duty. Her loyalty and spirit of belonging are admirable, together with her "pride in working for Cittadini" and her testimony to the company's founding ethical-moral principles, which she transmits to young staff members. Thanks to her moral conduct, always marked by great correctness, transparency and seriousness, Monica Zubini has acquired general esteem and trust not only from the owners, but also from the staff (whom she manages to involve in the achievement of important objectives) and from all the company's counterparts, becoming a reference point of certain reliability.

Monica Zubini's great driving force in situations of difficulty or business emergencies due to natural disasters and, recently, the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic has also been particularly meritorious and worthy of mention. On this occasion, she worked on the logistical reorganization of the common working areas, the changing of all work shifts, the preparation and constant distribution of all PPE and the perfect coordination of all that was necessary to make it possible to continue working in total safety.

Minister of Labour Nunzia Catalfo did well to send her a well-deserved telegram of congratulations and best wishes for the award of the Star, which is shared by everyone in Cittadini!

Cittadini S.p.A.
Via Trento, 35/45 | 25050 Paderno F.C. - Brescia (Italy)
T. +39 030 6857565 | F. +39 030 657148 | info@cittadini.it

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