07 May 2024
Star of Labour Merit Award - 2018 ed.

A new Star of Merit shines in Cittadini

The prestigious honor goes to Claudio Magri


On May 6, in the Beretta room of Confindustria Brescia, President Franco Gussalli Beretta awarded the 50 new "Masters of Labor" from Brescia for the two-year period 2023/24, already awarded with the Star of Merit by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, for having distinguished themselves with particular merits in the company in which they worked.

The prestigious recognition was promoted by Cittadini spa in favor of Claudio Magri, who collaborated for over 35 years with exemplary industriousness, dedication, spirit of belonging and excellent moral conduct, contributing to the growth and development of the company. The professional training of new hires was particularly important and significant, carried out by Claudio Magri always with great availability and competence.

Cittadini family expresses deep gratitude and warmest compliments to Claudio Magri, together with all the collaborators of Cittadini spa.

  • Star of Merit Award -  Claudio Magri - Cittadini spa

Cittadini S.p.A.
Via Trento, 35/45 | 25050 Paderno F.C. - Brescia (Italy)
T. +39 030 6857565 | F. +39 030 657148 | info@cittadini.it

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