• Moorings | Cittadini
  • Moorings | Cittadini


Synthetics twisted ropes with 3 strands are the traditional moorings. After the use they stay soft and easy to handle.

POLYESTER high tenacity. Color: White, black o Blue with diameter from MM 6 to MM 36
POLYESTER medium tenecity. Color: White or black, diameter from MM 6 to MM 36
NYLON high tenacità. Color: White, diameter from MM 10 to MM 36

Twisted rope 3 strands diameter MM 4 to MM 34
Twisted rope 4 strands diameter MM 8 to MM 40

PP FILM color: natural – orange – light bleu
PP MONOTHREAD color: orange
PP MULTIFILAMENT colour: natural – green - black
PE MONOTHREAD color: green
POLYSTEEL color: green
POLIAMIDE color: Natural - black
POLYESTER color: Natural - black

  Polyester HT Polyester M.T.
Diam. MM Weight g/m Resistance Kg Weight g/m Resistance Kg
6 26 500 28 350
8 45 900 50 600
10 75 1400 75 1000
12 110 2000 110 1500
14 140 2800 140 2000
16 170 3300 170 2400
18 220 4200 220 3200
20 280 5040 300 4000
22 330 6000 340 4800
24 380 6800 410 5500
MAke-up: bobbins Polyester/Nylon
MM 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
  300 200 200 150 150 100 100 100 100 100
TWISTED ROPE THREE STRANDS (measures from MM 4 to MM 34)
TWISTED ROPE FOUR STRANDS (measures from MM 8 to MM 40)
Diam. MM Polypropylene Film Polypropylene Monothread Polypropylene Multifilament Polietilene Monothread Polysteel Polyamide Polyester
4,0 7,5 7,5 7,5 8,01 8 10,5 14,5
5,0 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,1 12 17 20
6,0 17 17 17 18,1 17 22,5 30
8,0 30 30 30 33 30 40 51
10 45 45 45 49 45 62 81
12 65 65 65 72 65 89 116
14 90 90 90 95 90 122 157
16 115 115 115 128 115 158 205
18 148 148 148 161 148 200 260
20 180 180 180 200 180 245 320
22 220 220 220 240 220 300 385
24 260 260 260 295 260 355 460
26 305 305 305 328 305 420 540
28 355 355 355 390 355 485 630
30 405 405 405 460 405 555 720
32 460 460 460 525 460 630 820
34 523 523 523 593 523 715 930
36 585 585 585 660 585 800 1040
38 653 653 653 723 653 895 1160
40 720 720 720 785 720 990 1280
TWISTED ROPE THREE STRANDS (measures from MM 4 to MM 34)
TWISTED ROPE FOUR STRANDS (measures from MM 8 to MM 40)
Resistance in Kg
Diam. MM Polypropylene Film Polypropylene Monothread Polypropylene Multifilament Polietilene Monothread Polysteel Poyiamide Polyester
4,0 260 260 260 200 280 320 305
5,0 400 400 400 285 440 500 400
6,0 600 600 600 400 780 750 590
8,0 1060 1060 1060 700 1380 1345 1070
10 1560 1560 1610 1090 2030 2080 1710
12 2210 2210 2260 1540 2875 2995 2445
14 3050 3050 3110 2100 3965 4095 3435
16 3770 3770 3880 2800 4900 5300 4425
18 4810 4810 4900 3470 6250 6695 5585
20 5800 5800 5970 4270 7540 8295 6950
22 6950 6950 7240 5080 9035 9990 8360
24 8125 8125 8570 6100 10580 12030 10040
26 9400 9400 10050 6940 12220 13965 11770
28 10705 10705 11730 8200 13915 15800 13455
30 12230 12230 13360 9500 15900 17735 15025
32 13455 13455 15150 10700 17490 19980 17270
34 15188 15188 17215 12100 19743 22430 19230
36 16920 16920 19280 13500 21995 24880 21190
38 17805 17805 17805 14900 24318 27430 23715
40 20490 20490 23660 16300 26640 29980 26240

Make – up: MT 100 e 220
Tolerance 5% +/-
Resistance Kgs are intended for new ropes


We can customize products
according to specific needs


How to order


Cittadini S.p.A.
Via Trento, 35/45 | 25050 Paderno F.C. - Brescia (Italy)
T. +39 030 6857565 | F. +39 030 657148 | info@cittadini.it

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