• Fishing braid | Cittadini

Fishing braid

Made with all synthetic fibers.
Nylon double braid, high tenacity with core. White, Ø from 5 to 6 mm.
Polyester double braid, high tenacity with core, low stretch. White, Ø from 5 to 20 mm.
Polyester double braid, high tenacity with nylon HT internal core. Hard, low stretch. White, Ø from 7 to 20 mm.
Nylon/Polyester double braid, high tenacity. Soft, low stretch – good resistance. White, Ø from 6 to 30 mm.
Polyester double braid, high tenacity. Standard. Low stretch. White, Ø from 6 to 30 mm.
Polyester double braid, high tenacity, with medium tenacity internal twisted core. White, Ø from 8 to 24 mm.
Polyester double braid, medium tenacity. White, Ø from 8 to 24 mm.
Polyester braid, high tenacity, low stretch – standard or hard. White or black, Ø from 4 to 10 mm.
Polyester braid high tenacity with nylon HT core, good resistance, low stretch. White, Ø from 5 to 24 mm.
Polyester braid, high tenacity with medium tenacity internal core. White, Ø from 4 to 20 mm.
Polyester braid, medium tenacity with polyester HT internal core. Hard. Grey or black Ø from 4 to 7 mm.
Reinforced braid. White, Ø from 3 to 6 mm.
Braid medium tenacity. Not soft. White, Ø from 4 to 8 mm.
Braided polypropylenefloat line with core. White or colored. Ø from 4 to 12 mm.
Polyethylene monofilament braid without core. Floating line. White or colored. Ø from 4 to 24 mm.

8 strands rope. Diameter from 32 to 136 mm
PP FILM. Orange

POLYPROPYLENE COLOURED BRAID: red-blue-yellow-black-green etc.
Diam. MM Gr/mt Resistance load kg
4,0 10 150
5,0 14 220
6,0 21 350
8,0 38 550
10 63 900
POLYETHYLENE SINGLE STRAP WITHOUT ANISE - Orange and other colours on request
Diam. MM Gr/mt Resistance load kg
4 4,5 100
5 10 240
6 14 380
8 21 520
10 34 750
12 50 1.100
14 70 1.500
16 90 1.900
8 STRANDS MM 32-136 Table of weight per metre
Diam MM Polypropylene rafia  Polypropylene monofilament Polypropylene multifilament Polysteel Polyamide Polyester
32 460 460 460 460 630 820
36 585 585 585 585 800 1.040
40 720 720 720 720 990 1.280
44 880 880 880 880 1.200 1.550
48 1.040 1.040 1.040 1.040 1.420 1.850
52 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.660 2.150
56 1.420 1.420 1.420 1.420 1.930 2.510
60 1.630 1.630 1.630 1.630 2.210 2.880
64 1.850 1.850 1.850 1.850 2.520 3.280
72 2.340 2.340 2.340 2.340 3.190 4.150
80 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 3.940 5.120
88 3.510 3.510 3.510 3.510 4.770 6.140
96 4.170 4.170 4.170 4.170 5.680 7.360
104 4.900 4.900 4.900 4.900    
112 5.700 5.700   5.700    
120 6.500 6.500   6.500    
128 7.400 7.400   7.400    
136 8.400 8.400   8.400    
8 STRANDS MM 32-136 Table of resistance load expressed in Kg. - Packed in rolls of 100 and 220 m
Diam MM Polypropylene rafia  Polypropylene monofilament Polypropylene multifilament Polysteel Polyamide Polyester
32 12.850 12.850 15.150 16.700 19.980 17.270
36 16.100 16.100 19.280 21.100 24.880 21.190
40 19.500 19.500 23.660 26.000 29.980 26.240
44 23.500 23.500 29.780 32.200 35.800 31.170
48 27.200 27.200 35.190 38.000 42.000 36.800
52 31.500 31.500 41.310 43.000 48.750 43.060
56 36.000 36.000 47.430 50.000 55.965 49.225
60 41.200 41.200 54.570 56.000 63.850 54.830
64 46.600 46.600 61.710 64.000 71.985 63.690
72 58.500 58.500 73.950 81.000 89.910 79.275
80 72.000 72.000 89.760 98.000 109.890 97.215
88 86.200 86.200 106.590 116.000 130.885 116.615
96 101.800 101.800 124.440 137.000 154.020 137.920
104 116.700 116.700 144.330 156.000    
112 134.000 134.000   182.000    
120 154.000 154.000   201.000    
128 174.000 174.000   229.000    
136 196.000 196.000   252.000    

Tolerance 5%+/- Loads shown are intended for new ropes


We can customize products
according to specific needs


How to order


Cittadini S.p.A.
Via Trento, 35/45 | 25050 Paderno F.C. - Brescia (Italy)
T. +39 030 6857565 | F. +39 030 657148 | info@cittadini.it

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